The visit of Patriarch Joseph I of Antioch
2021. September 20.The Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church Joseph I visited Pannonhalma.
The Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church Joseph I visited Pannonhalma.
This year, the Summer Academy of the HAS–PPCU “Vilmos Fraknói” Historical Research Group of Rome was held in Győr between 6 and 8 August.
The Association of Hungarian Archivists held its regular annual itinerary congress in Pannonhalma between 28 and 30 June 2021.
The Institute of History has published the volume of The Diocesan Councils of Pannonhalma by Dénesi Tamás. The collection and analysis of the documents was made possible by the programme entitled The Councils and Congresses of the Hungarian Catholic Church 1790–2010 supported by OTKA (The Hungarian Scientific Research Fund: Funding Basic Research in Hungary).