A Benedictine Conference in Budapest

Within the framework of the series of programmes dedicated to the Hungarian Science Festival, on 25 November 2022, a conference was held with the title “Stabilitas loci Benedictini – The Benedictines’ Centuries in the Light of the Latest Researches”. It was organised by the Research Centre for the Humanities and the Hungarian Research Network.

The Solemnity of Saint Martin

The Saint Martin Prize Ceremony took place in the presence of 250 invited participants in Pannonhalma on 18 November. This year, the prize established by the Archabbey of Pannonhalma, the Herend Porcelain Manufactory, and the Bábolna National Stud-Farm was awarded to János Áder and his wife, Anita Herczeg, the founders of the Regőczi Foundation supporting those orphaned by Covid-19.

The Conservation of a 16th-Century Charter

Owing to the financial assistance of Apelso Trust Zrt, our Archives could have the set of written pleadings of 1568 repaired. The 11-metre-long roll of paper contains the pieces of evidence of 1562 related to Deáki, the Archabbey’s estate in Upper Hungary.

The Conservation of Liber niger

The conservation of the 18th-century reference books of the Pannonhalma Archabbey Archives and that of Liber niger containing the textual copies of the Archabbey’s mediaeval documents (Capsariumn) has been completed. The conservation of the three volumes was finished by Henriette Fehrentheil and the workshop of Ars Alba in Szentendre. The financial assistance was provided by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.

Ordine et disciplina reformare

Our Archives organised a conference of church history entitled “Ordine et disciplina reformare – Religious reforms in Hungary” on 16 September 2022 in the ceremonial hall of the Benedictine Secondary School in Pannonhalma with the aim of discussing the religious reforms of the past millennium in 18 presentations. The conference was related to the Archabbey’s actual thematic year of spirituality-and-culture whose motto was “renewal”.

Lónyay 200

Within the framework of the commemorative year of Lónyay 200 announced on the occasion of the 2nd centenary of the birth of Menyhért Lónyay, a conference entitled Lónyai-Sources was held on 29 August 2022 in Nyíregyháza organised by the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Archives, the local branch of the Hungarian National Archives. The programme’s aim was to make a survey of the repositories of the archival sources related to the history of the Lónyay family.

A Professional Medal Was Awarded to Our Archives’ Director

The medal named after Klára Dóka, the archivist and historian of great prestige was awarded to Tamás Dénesi, the Director of our Archives on 11 July 2022 in Székesfehérvár. With this medal, the Association of Hungarian Archivists awards those archivists, who perform outstanding professional work in the field of archivism for a considerable period.

Church Librarians Visiting Our Archives

The Association of the Ecclesiastical Libraries (EKE) held its annual itinerary conference in Pannonhalma between 27 and 29 June. Almost 90 librarians took part in the programme, and they also visited the Archabbey’s institutions. In our Archives, they were introduced to remarkable books and interesting items of library-history related to documents of the Arpadian age. The detailed professional programme is available here.

Church Archivists’ Itinerary Conference in Budapest

The Association of Hungarian Church Archivists (MELTE) held its annual itinerary conference at D50 Cultural Centre and Hotel between 20 and 22 June. On the Monday ordinary meeting, we decided on the change of the association’s name. Henceforth, the name of our association: Association of Hungarian Church Archivists. On the general meeting for election of officials, Dénesi Tamás, the Director of the Archabbey’s Archives was elected to serve as a member of the Association’s executive committee.

“The Next Link in the Chain”

The Committee of National Remembrance held a conference entitled “The Next Ling in the Change” in Budapest on 05 June 2022. Its theme focussed on the Sovietization of the appropriation of economic power, nationalization, and Hungarian economy between 1945 and 1949. The presentation of Boros Zoltán, archivist was entitled: The Steps of the Secularization of the Property of the Benedictine Order between 1945 and 1950.