Scriptorium-Conference in Veszprém

The 6th Scriptorium-Conference was held at the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém on 10-11 May. The series of conferences focus on manuscripts, especially ecclesiastical manuscripts. The reports presented during the programme are somehow related to the concept of manuscripts (codices; handwritten works, records, devotional literature, hymnbooks, teachers’ records; glosses and marginalia in works – mainly in incunabili or old printed books – kept in library collections; and introducing the manuscript stock of the collections, etc.). The two-day scholarly conference – integrated into the series of programmes for Gizella’s Day – was organised by the Centre for National Catholic Collections, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Classical Philology), and the Hungarian Research Network (formerly: Eötvös Loránd Research Network [Research Centre for the Humanities, Moravcsik Gyula Institute), the Archbishopric of Veszprém, the Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém, the Archiepiscopal Library and Archives of Veszprém. As a part of the rich programme, Tamás Dénesi, the Director of the Archives gave a talk on 18th-century Benedictine medicine based on the handwritten formulary of a contemporary lay-brother, Elek Reisch, an apothecary. The detailed programme of the conference can be read here:

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